Глобальная штаб-квартира: | Стокгольм, Швеция сотрудников 104 525 (по состоянию на 31 декабря 2011 г.), из которых 17 588 в Швеции |
Альтернативные источники энергии сегодня находятся в центре всеобщего внимания. Независимо от того, какое оборудование вы производите - для связи, информационного обмена, медицинских, авиакосмических, вычислительных, военных или производственных задач – для него нужны источники питания, отвечающие вашим требованиям.
Для стандартного оборудования, производимого крупными партиями и широко используемого, ключевыми конкурентными преимуществами являются производительность и надежность. Эти два фактора обеспечиваются не только характеристиками оборудования, но и современными решениями для энергоснабжения, позволяющими оптимально использовать местные источники энергии независимо от того, в каких условиях вы ведете свою деятельность.
This year Ericsson Power Modules commemorates thirty years of being at the forefront of developing DC/DC power technology. In late April 1983, we launched the world’s first high-frequency switching DC/DC power modules, called the PKA family.
We use the latest technology and highest standards of quality and robustness for achieving the highest system performance.
The products are primarily designed for advanced information and communications equipment, such as radio base stations and switches/routers, but they are also used in a wide range of medical, avionics, computing, military and industrial applications.
We offer more than 500 board-mounted products for a wide variety of applications. They can be divided into:
Every product design is the result of extensive research and development in power technology, broad application and system knowledge with a focus on design for environment and design for manufacturing, as well as efficient logistics and global support. The result is:
Since year 2000 we have applied a design for environment (DfE) policy in all product development projects, including removal of hazardous substances according to the RoHS directive and a continuous development of designs and solutions for lower power consumption and lowest possible total cost of ownership for the end-user. Read more
We offer a wide range of board-mounted, point-of-load (POL) regulator products that are based on industry-standard formats and specifications.
We offer a wide range of board-mounted DC/DC converters and intermediate bus converters based on industry-standard formats and specifications.
We offer a range of board-mounted Power Interface Modules based on industry-standard formats and specifications. A Power Interface Module (PIM) integrates functions and features required to secure ...
We offer support in BPM to address choice of configuration, communication and/or control outside of one or more board mounted DC/DC converters or POL regulators.
We are constantly working to provide the best possible products to support customers’ needs. Consequently some product lines are no longer available.
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